Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Tim Wall Director, School of Education |
660.562.1179 | BH 228 | timwall |
Dr. Joseph Haughey Assistant Director | Teacher Education |
660.562.1265 | CH 2730 | haughey |
Mr. Michael McBride Coordinator, Professional Education Unit | Unit Assessment & Tk20 |
660.562.1089 | AD 302 | mam77 |
Zach Ragan Certification Officer |
660.562.1671 | AD 253 | zragan |
Ms. Amy Wilson Teacher Education Student Services Coordinator |
660.562.1095 | AD 374 | awilson |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Tim Wall Director, School of Education |
660.562.1179 | BH 211 | timwall |
Dr. Kristina Alexander | 660.562.1768 | BH 202 | kalex |
Ms. Robyn Akins | 660.562.1668 | BH 226 | akinsr |
Ms. Jill Baker | 660.562.1359 | BH 228 | bakerj |
Ms. Cathy Barr Assistant Coordinator for Field Experience |
660.562.1231 | BH 200 | cbarr |
Dr. Travis Dimmitt | 660.562.1779 | BH 223 | dimmitt |
Ms. Shantel Farnan | none | BH 205 | sfarnan |
Dr. Linda Gray Smith | 660.562.1818 | BH 231 | lsmith |
Dr. Dan Gordon | 660.562.1541 | BH 224 | dgordon |
Dr. Nissa Ingraham | 660.562.1776 | BH 207 | nissai |
Dr. David Kiene | 660.562.1774 | BH 233 | dkiene |
Ms. Tamara Lynn | 660.562.1838 | BH 204 | tglynn |
Ms. Kelli Graham Office Manager |
660.562.1239 | BH 200 | kgraham |
Dr. Becky Moore | 660.562.1258 | BH 203 | rebeccam |
Dr. Lisa Pelkey | 660.562.1621 | BH 220 | mpelkey |
Dr. Greg Rich Director, Field Experience |
660.562.1772 | BH 206 | grich |
Dr. Cindy Schairer-Kessler | 660.562.1270 | BH 225 | schairerkessler |
Dr. Sandy Seipel | 660.562.1889 | BH 210 | sseipel |
Dr. Sara Taylor | 660.562.1240 | BH 209 | staylor |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Mr. Rod Barr Chair | Agriculture Education |
660.562.1620 | Valk 107A | rbarr |
Ms. Jacqueline Lacy | 660.562.1126 | Valk 104 | jlacy |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Cari Cline Business Education |
660.562.1103 | CH 2305 | ccline |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Joseph Kreizinger Speech/Theatre Education |
660.562.1172 | WH 101 | jkreizi |
Dr. William Richardson Music Education |
660.562.1316 | FA 111 | billr |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Loren Butler Physical Education |
660.562.1066 | MH 205 | lbutler |
Dr. Rochelle Hiatt Guidance and Counseling |
660.562.1287 | CH 2420 | hiatt |
Ms. Gina McNeese Physical Education |
660.562.1301 | MH | gscott |
Ms. Michelle Veasey Guidance and Counseling |
660.562.1732 | CH 2315 | mveasey |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Robert Voss Social Science Education |
660.562.1294 | Valk 51 | robvoss |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. Michael Hobbs Chair |
660.562.1285 | CH 2860 | mhobbs |
Ms. Ashley Davis English Education |
660.562.1265 | CH | adavis |
Dr. Joseph Haughey English Education |
660.562.1265 | CH | haughey |
Dr. Jeff Loomis English Education |
660.562.1267 | CH 2877 | jloomis |
Mr. Jose Palacios Perez Spanish Education |
660.562.1268 | CH 2870 | jpperez |
Dr. Jenny Rytting Graduate Advisor |
660.562.1741 | CH 2830 | rytting |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Mr. Brian Swink Math Education |
660.562.1806 | GS 1635 | bswink |
Dr. Jennifer Wall Math Education |
660.562.1729 | GS 1637 | jwall |
Name | Phone/Office | |
Dr. S. Rena' Smith Science Education |
660.562.1509 | GS 3605 | srsmith |
Mr. Jeff Bradley Science Education |
660.562.1818 | GS 1347 | jbradle |